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Licensing Act 2003

Application Register

Vitality Stadium
Application Number219359
AddressKings Park Drive
Monday - 09:30-23:00
Tuesday - 09:30-23:00
Friday - 09:30-23:00
Saturday - 09:30-23:00
Sunday - 09:30-23:00
Exhibition of films will take place indoors.

Exhibition of films will take place outdoors.

Non standards timings for the exhibition of films.. This provision shall be extended for one further hour beyond the terminal hour for occasions when the scheduled start time of the football match is 1900hrs or later.

Indoor Sporting Events
Monday - 09:30-23:00
Tuesday - 09:30-23:00
Wednesday - 09:30-23:00
Thursday - 09:30-23:00
Friday - 09:30-23:00
Saturday - 09:30-23:00
Sunday - 09:30-23:00
Non standard timings for indoor sporting events.. This provision shall be extended for one further hour beyond the terminal hour for occasions when the scheduled start time of the football match is 1900hrs or later.

Live Music
Monday - 09:30-23:00
Tuesday - 09:30-23:00
Wednesday - 09:30-23:00
Friday - 09:30-23:00
Saturday - 09:30-23:00
Sunday - 09:30-23:00
Performance of live music will take place indoors.

Performance of live music will take place outdoors.

Non standard timings for the performance of live music.. This provision shall be extended for one further hour beyond the terminal hour for occasions when the scheduled start time of the football match is 1900hrs or later.

Recorded Music
Monday - 09:30-23:00
Tuesday - 09:30-23:00
Wednesday - 09:30-23:00
Thursday - 09:30-23:00
Friday - 09:30-23:00
Saturday - 09:30-23:00
Sunday - 09:30-23:00
Playing of recorded music will take place indoors.

Playing of recorded music will take place outdoors.

Non standard timings for the playing of recorded music.. This provision shall be extended for one further hour beyond the terminal hour for occasions when the scheduled start time of the football match is 1900hrs or later.

Performances of Dance
Monday - 09:30-23:00
Tuesday - 09:30-23:00
Wednesday - 09:30-23:00
Thursday - 09:30-23:00
Friday - 09:30-23:00
Saturday - 09:30-23:00
Performance of dance will take place indoors.

Performance of dance will take place outdoors.

Non standard timings for the performance of dance.. This provision shall be extended for one further hour beyond the terminal hour for occasions when the scheduled start time of the football match is 1900hrs or later.

Supply of Alcohol
Monday - 09:30-23:00
Tuesday - 09:30-23:00
Wednesday - 09:30-23:00
Thursday - 09:30-23:00
Friday - 09:30-23:00
Saturday - 09:30-23:00
Sunday - 09:30-23:00
Alcohol will be consumed on the premises.

Alcohol will be consumed off the premises.

Non standard timings for the supply of alcohol.. This provision shall be extended for one further hour beyond the terminal hour for occasions when the scheduled start time of the football match is 1900hrs or later

General - all four licensing objectives.. All relevant Mandatory Conditions will apply to this Application. Safety Advisory Group (SAG) The operators shall attend such Safety Advisory Group (SAG) meetings as the appropriate authorities may reasonably require in respect of designated sporting events and shall implement any reasonable controls and policies agreed at such meetings/with the SAG members. Football Legislation Compliance The Premises Licence Holder will implement all reasonable measures to ensure that those attending ?designated sporting events? do not commit an offence under the Sporting Events (Control of Alcohol etc) Act 1985 whilst they are present on the licensed premises. No alcohol shall be sold during the restricted period (15 minutes before the start of the event until 15 minutes after the end of the event) for locations within view of the playing area. Any area from which the match may be viewed at any time during the restricted period will be "prohibited areas". If alcohol is sold in any area on the concourse which has direct access to any prohibited area signage must be clearly displayed advising of this prohibition. Staff shall regularly check areas where alcohol is being supplied during the restricted period to prevent alcohol being taken into the prohibited areas. b)
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
Prevention of Crime & Disorder.. SIA Security. The holder of the licence shall undertake a risk assessment regarding the deployment of SIA Door Supervisors at different times of the day and on different days of the event to determine the appropriate number of SIA staff are deployed on those days and/or at any other time(s) and to then implement the outcome of the risk assessment. A copy of the risk assessment should be made available to an authorised officer of the Licensing Authority or Dorset Police upon request and for a period of up to 6 months.. The Premises Licence Holder (PLH)/Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) will ensure that a written record of all SIA staff deployed to the event is maintained on the premises.. The Premises Licence holder will ensure that all SIA staff are clearly identifiable to the public, through wearing high-visibility outer garments whilst on duty, and that a minimum of 4 x SIA Door Supervisors shall be on the premises whilst licensable activities are taking place. Additional staff to be deployed in accordance with the Risk Assessment, which include advice and guidance from Dorset Police and other Responsible Authorities.. Incident Log / Refusal Log. All bars will have a Refusal Record which will be available on request to any authorised authority, including Dorset Police and BCP Licensing Authority officers. This record will include reasons for refusal and what action was taken. This record will be retained by the Premises Licence Holder for a minimum period of 6 months.. An Incident Record shall be kept and maintained at the premises whilst licensable activities are taking place. The log should include the date and time of the incident and the name of the staff and other individuals involved (where known). The record will be made available on request to an authorised officer of BCP Council or Dorset Police and will record the following: (a) all crimes reported to the site staff (b) all ejections of patrons from the site (c) any complaints received (d) any incidents of disorder known to the staff or security (e) all seizures of drugs or offensive weapons at the entrance or elsewhere within the site (f) any visit by a relevant authority or emergency service.. Personal Licence Holder. There shall always be a Personal Licence Holder (PLH) on duty on the premises when the premises are providing licensable activities. The DPS will maintain a record of all PLH?s throughout each event and this record will be retained by the Premises Licence Holder for a minimum of 6 months.. South Stand Hospitality (denoted Blue on the attached plan). This area shall be subject to the following additional conditions: -. The bar shall close, and the barriers shall be removed no later than 15 minutes before kick-off, and the structure housing the bar shall be secured.. A clicker or similar device shall be used to ensure that the agreed maximum capacity of the area is not exceeded.. CCTV. A Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) system will be always operational at the premises when licensable activities are being carried out and at any other times when members of the public associated with the event are present on the premises.. The CCTV system will cover all areas of the premises occupied by the public under the terms of the licence, excluding WCs and changing rooms and will cover the main entrance/s and exit/s and designated emergency egress routes from the premises.. The CCTV system will have sufficient storage retention capacity for a minimum of 28 days? continuous footage.. A staff member from the premises who is conversant with the operation of the CCTV system shall be always on the premises when the premises are offering licensable activities. This staff member must be able to show a Police Officer or Authorised Person any footage with the minimum of delay when requested.. Storage of Alcohol. Outside of the hours authorised for the sale of alcohol, all alcohol within the trading area is to be appropriately secured as to prevent the theft of any alcohol.
Public Safety
Public Safety. Structure Safety. The appropriate Health & Safety Risk Assessment will be affected in respect of the erection of any temporary structure to be used to ensure its suitability and details will be provided to and agreed with the Environmental Health Team before the event. Overall responsibility for such health and safety will remain with the Premises Licence holder.. Medical / Welfare. A qualified medical company providing personnel to be employed and a medical point will be positioned clearly on site when public are present and licensable activities are taking place.. This medical provision will be detailed within the Medical Plan and be agreed with the SAG Members during the preceding SAG Meeting.. A procedure for dealing with unwell members of the public will be in place including those who appear to be affected by alcohol or drugs. Staff will be appropriately trained in such procedures.. Glass. Alcohol sold from external areas or structures and facilities within the ground floor general admission concourse areas shall be dispensed in plastic or non-glass containers.
The prevention of public nuisance
Prevention of Public Nuisance. Regulated entertainment shall only be permitted (unless otherwise authorised by the Police and Licensing Authority) in the West Stand, in the Main Stadium outside or in such outdoor areas as may be agreed by the Environmental Health Team.. Adequate parking and access shall be maintained.. The public-address system and external microphone/s used on match days shall only operate from approximately 90 minutes in advance of kick off, during half time and immediately after the match.. A restrictive barrier in the form of lockable posts shall be installed and thereafter maintained across the Thistlebarrow Road entrance to the football ground whilst licensable activities are taking place within the external footprint of the site.. Dispersal The PLH/DPS will operate to a written dispersal policy which ensures the safe and gradual dispersal of customers from the stadium at the conclusion of each fixture. The policy will aim to minimise any residual impact on the local community caused by spectators leaving the site.. The PLH/DPS will ensure that staff receive training on the policy and a record of training shall be kept/made available to an authorised officer upon request. The record will be retained for a minimum of 6 months.. Noise Pollution. Bottles will not be placed in any external receptacle beyond the permitted hours for the sale of alcohol or before 08.00 hours to minimise noise disturbance to neighbouring properties.
The protection of children from harm
Protection of Children from Harm. Underage Sales of Alcohol Challenge 25 shall be operated at the premises at the point of entry and at the bars where the only acceptable forms of identification are recognised photographic identification cards, such as a driving licence or passport I Holographically marked PASS scheme identification cards. Appropriate signage advising customers of the policy shall be prominently displayed within the premises with particular focus on the points of sales and entry points to the site.. Staff Training All staff involved in the sale of alcohol shall receive training on the law relating to prohibited sales, the age verification policy adopted by the premises and the conditions attaching to the premises license. A record shall be maintained of all staff training and that record shall be signed by the person receiving the training and the individual delivering the training. The records shall be kept for a minimum of 6 months and made available for inspection by Dorset Police, BCP Licensing Authority, or other authorized officers on request.